RED 2 Sci-weapon

Origami weapon made for feature film RED 2.

Below interview with Byung-hun Lee, is asked whether the 'origami trick' is possible.

Serious origami skills?

' assassin Han Jo-Bae (Korean action star Lee Byung-hun) to go after Frank (Bruce Willis), and we see he’s such a badass that he can kill a man with nothing but an 8x10 glossy and serious origami skills.

Movie Review by: Chelsey McQuitty

Is it possible?

'Yes it's possible. There are certainly many ways to do it, but it's not like what you would see in the movies.

For a movie (or a novel), the creators are probably more interested in creating the mystery and excitement. That's when you get a trained ninja killing someone with a drinking straw (Shibumi) or a piece of origami (RED 2).'