Sorcery of Origami

Why Sorcery? When I first discovered Origami as a child it appeared to be magical. The first English language book published on the subject was appropriately called 'Paper Magic'. Sorcery is another name for magic, and is most often associated with a sophisticated study of the magical arts rather than a conjurors tricks.
My interest in Origami as an adult stems from its use as an art form. Origami demands the minimalist approach to representing an object, it forces the design to move in certain directions due to the limits of folded paper, but also presents the challenge to the creator who must consider not only his or her understanding of the form being 'sculptured' but also the ability to understand how it can be made.
Origami is curious, it is one of the rare art forms where the observation of the creation is as important as the ability of others to replicate it. In fact some would suggest that the ability to share the creation of the model is the strength of Origami over other art forms.
My latest addition is the book ‘Dynamic Superhero Origami’ which is an attempt to capture the essence of the superhero genera, with reasonably simple folding techniques, whilst still honouring realistic anatomy, which is very important to me from an artistic perspective. ‘Folding Heroes’ magazine supports the book and includes article and interviews with other creative folders, together with unique designs created especially for the magazine.
Paul Hanson
Original Ninja Origami book, New book and Magazine